Most likely the third point is what is stopping this from working. You are using exactly the same signing key. The app you installed from android studio has a lower "version code" You are installing exactly the same variant from android studio compared to the one you published on google play store. So first of all you have to make sure the following three points are in place: This can of course be generalized to a single sentence: "An app's updates are only shown in Google Play for devices whose Android version and Android Level API are compatible with the targeted Android Level API defined in the app's Android.manifest file." In more technical terms, the latest version (of my app) I've uploaded and published at Google Play targets Android API Level 29, which maps to devices up to Android version 10.Īccording to Google I must change my app Android.manifest file to target Android API Level 30, so that it will then be compatible with Android version 11.Īfter I do this, my users with Android 11 shall start seeing updates for my app on Google Play store. I've just found out Google Play is not showing updates for my app to devices with Android version 11, because my app's current version is targeting Android version 10. Is it something I have to include in my app? In Google Play Store, I can see my app with version 1.0.7 ( Version code 11 ), but it doesn't show me the button update ( it is showing me the button "Open") This reeks of malware to me, wherein some shady app might have just named itself "Google Play" so that I allow it to be downloaded and run it.I have my app installed in my cell with version 1.0.5 ( Version code 9) Long-press etc shows me info about the default "download manager" app itself, not about what it is trying to download.

As far as I can tell, I have set all updates to happen only on wifi, not on mobile data connections.All my Samsung apps are also up to date.My OS was recently updated to Oreo (Samsung Galaxy S8).All apps are up to date in my play store.

This is not a download within the Google Play store.Since this sounds all too common and like many questions posted here, let me clarify what this is not: I usually cancel this download since it seems fishy to me, and that's what my question (asked below) is about. My phone randomly shows the Download Manager downloading "Google play".